Friday, September 18, 2009

The Adventures of J.Pair

Vol. I- Ferry Boats

I have a Ferry Godmother in the form of my voice teacher :)

With a lack of employment right now I was seriously beginning to wonder how I would get back to voice lessons because my voice needs a lot of work (I'm still young). The problem was remedied when my voice teacher asked if I've ever babysat...have I ever babysat? lol. Anywho, she suggested bartering, I babysit for her she gives me voice lessons, hooray!

I just needed to get my voice over to Vashon Island, say what????

For my first lesson we planned to have me walk on the ferry and then she or her husband would pick me up on Vashon. I felt so adult purchasing my ticket and walking on to a ferry all by myself. Of course ferries are no stranger to me (think Guemes Is.) but the Vashon ferry is much bigger than the Anacortes ferry.

As I strolled of the ferry I felt accomplished and a little sea sick, but never you mind. Little did I know the ferry ride would be the easy part of my day...

...Upon arriving at my teacher's home I met the two most gorgeous twins, yep I said twins. For a few hours every Sunday afternoon I now chase, crawl, read to, and tickle year and a half old twins. It's brilliant. A few weeks in I'm still waiting for the ultimate meltdown with one or both of the toddlers and am praying they don't meltdown at the same time, but they are twins.

Tune in next time for The Adventures of J.Pair - J.Pair and the Choir

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