I realized I hadn't updated in a while so I thought I would take the time to do so. The summer has been pretty good so far - busy teaching Bella to be a good dog. That's taking up most of my time thankfully since I haven't found employment yet Bella has been good for warding off bordem.
Today is suppose to be another hot one so I'm considering taking Bella outside letting her lounge in the sun and washing the old car. Ploo (my car) recently had a wonderful trip to eastern Washington, Pullman specifically, and is now covered in bugs - yuk!
Blessed news on the homefront, Madre has been hired in one part-time position and one temporary position at EdCC and had a interview this morning at our church for a communications coordinator position. I really hope she gets it since one of her current positions is temporary.
For those of you who don't believe Seattle could ever hit 100 degrees I'm including proof below :)

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