Friday, September 18, 2009

Episode 2 - J.Pair and the Choir

The Adventures of J.Pair - J.Pair and the Choir

With my love of church ever blooming I decided, why not cultivate my love of church and join the choir?

It was a beautiful match, the choir needed Soprano support and I needed more human interaction. Choir commenced with with a potluck - I took cupcakes. I also discussed with a dear friend the liklihood the potluck would have a pasta dish, salad, and Jell-o. Well, the pasta was present in two different lasagnas and the salad was present, but sadly no Jell-o, next time I'll take the Jell-o.

After wonderful conversation with new and old faces it was time to get robed. I was given a plain gray robe and a folder for my music and it was singing time. We rehearsed for two hours sight-reading through our music. Most of it was fairly easy though there's one piece I'm slightly concerned about. Overall I had an excellent time.

After singing in COW church choir seems like a walk in the park :)

Tune in next time for another episode of The Adventures of J.Pair

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