Here's the story... Remember when you were a kid and whenever your parents asked what you wanted for your birthday you'd say "I want (insert animal here)", well last year when my dad asked me what I wanted for my birthday I harkened back to that mentality and said "I want a puppy" he asked what kind of puppy and I told him a dachshund (wiener dog). I was half-serious, half-kidding about wanting a dachshund for my birthday. I've wanted one for a while now, but I figured I would get one at least a few years down the road.
My birthday finally arrives and behold my astonishment when I open gifts from my dad and family which are all doggy toys and a dachshund calendar. Immediately I knew this meant my dad was actually going to get me a dog, yay! I started looking online and in newspapers, but my heart was settled on getting it as a puppy and after reading up about the breed I decided on a dapple-piebald. I started E-mailing breeders like crazy, but no one was expecting either coloring. Finally, I found a breeder's website and all the dogs looked happy and healthy. I e-mailed her and she said she would keep me up to date on planned breedings that could produce what I want.
Nearly a year later...
Over spring break my dad and I went to meet the breeder and her puppies and they were all adorable, I wanted to take them all home. After that visit it was settled. As cute as a dapple-pie would be, I decided I didn't care what the puppy looked like as long as it is healthy (I sound like such a parent).
With great anticipation I am waiting. Because I have been in contact with the breeder for so long she is giving me first pick of the litter! My puppy will arrive in to the world in 11 days and I am super excited!!! I have the option of picking my baby by picture or in-person and I think I'll pick her in-person (schedule permitting of course). Finally, my new baby should arrive to her new home around July 2nd...that was all planned of course.
The pictures above are the parents of my baby. The chocolate dog is the father - Billy and the red and white doggy is the mother - Dory.
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