Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Bad

Amid the glorious sun I sat and sat and sat. It was wonderful, to feel the warmth on my legs and arms which haven't seen the light of day since last September. I took the time to work on homework outside while feeding my skin Vitamin D. It made me feel better being in the sun, not hiding away from the ugly weather that plagues our area most days. Ah yes, it was relaxing. As I was basking in those wonderful rays did I think to protect my skin? I heard my mother's voice repeating the ill-fated words,

"Don't Forget to put your sunscreen on"

After two and a half hours of sunshiney bliss I realized I was turning pink, as always, but thankfully I didn't burn as I thought I would :) I'm still a little pink and I can feel heat semi-radiating from my arms and legs, but it doesn't hurt.

I won't forget the sunscreen next time.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, a mother's words will always be an excellent reminder...Love, Mom! :D
