Sunday, April 26, 2009

Am I Doing the Right Thing?

I'm feeling a little down right now...not like super down, but wondering about things. It seems there are certain people who get everything they want (at least it seems that way at least). Thanks to the wonderful world of social networking I found out one of my peer's was offered a contract for a young artist program at a local opera company and an offer to be in various productions they have. This is the same young artist program I found out was having auditions the day of auditions. While I'm super happy for him, the first that came to my mind was
"That should be me!"
This isn't the first time I've thought that either. Sometimes I wonder if I really am doing the right thing. I love to sing, its unlike any other feeling, but I feel behind in my knowledge and performance and there are always two or three people better than me. It feels like I always miss the mark in my singing somehow, it's never a complete package. I just wish sometimes I knew what God has in-store for me.

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