Friday, September 18, 2009

J.Pair and the Seattle Opera

The Adventures of J.Pair continues with J.Pair and the Seattle Opera
Tonight we join our singer as she tries to find the Seattle Opera Rehearsal Studios (SORS).
I was invited to recieve a coaching with a fellow who works with the Seattle Opera. I once again arranged to babysit the twins (see Episode I) while my voice teacher received a coaching then I would recieve a coaching.
It took longer than expected to find the SORS, but it was accomplished. The twins and I went for a walk in downtown Seattle and found a nice, quiet park to eat lunch and read in. A little while later it was time to head back to the studio and hand off the babies.
I climbed the stairs and entered a cavernous room filled with props, sets, and workers, I was in awe...sorry no opera stars this time. I was lead to the Chorus rehearsal and the coach and I got to work.
You may ask why have a vocal coach when you already have a voice teacher. Well to put it simply a vocal coach puts the final touches on a voice and performance. I'm not getting ready for a performance, yet, however I am getting ready for the impending doom which is grad school auditions, yikes!
It was a short visit with the coach, but it was worth it.
Tune in for the next episode of The Adventures of J.Pair - J.Pair and the Puppy School

Episode 2 - J.Pair and the Choir

The Adventures of J.Pair - J.Pair and the Choir

With my love of church ever blooming I decided, why not cultivate my love of church and join the choir?

It was a beautiful match, the choir needed Soprano support and I needed more human interaction. Choir commenced with with a potluck - I took cupcakes. I also discussed with a dear friend the liklihood the potluck would have a pasta dish, salad, and Jell-o. Well, the pasta was present in two different lasagnas and the salad was present, but sadly no Jell-o, next time I'll take the Jell-o.

After wonderful conversation with new and old faces it was time to get robed. I was given a plain gray robe and a folder for my music and it was singing time. We rehearsed for two hours sight-reading through our music. Most of it was fairly easy though there's one piece I'm slightly concerned about. Overall I had an excellent time.

After singing in COW church choir seems like a walk in the park :)

Tune in next time for another episode of The Adventures of J.Pair

The Adventures of J.Pair

Vol. I- Ferry Boats

I have a Ferry Godmother in the form of my voice teacher :)

With a lack of employment right now I was seriously beginning to wonder how I would get back to voice lessons because my voice needs a lot of work (I'm still young). The problem was remedied when my voice teacher asked if I've ever babysat...have I ever babysat? lol. Anywho, she suggested bartering, I babysit for her she gives me voice lessons, hooray!

I just needed to get my voice over to Vashon Island, say what????

For my first lesson we planned to have me walk on the ferry and then she or her husband would pick me up on Vashon. I felt so adult purchasing my ticket and walking on to a ferry all by myself. Of course ferries are no stranger to me (think Guemes Is.) but the Vashon ferry is much bigger than the Anacortes ferry.

As I strolled of the ferry I felt accomplished and a little sea sick, but never you mind. Little did I know the ferry ride would be the easy part of my day...

...Upon arriving at my teacher's home I met the two most gorgeous twins, yep I said twins. For a few hours every Sunday afternoon I now chase, crawl, read to, and tickle year and a half old twins. It's brilliant. A few weeks in I'm still waiting for the ultimate meltdown with one or both of the toddlers and am praying they don't meltdown at the same time, but they are twins.

Tune in next time for The Adventures of J.Pair - J.Pair and the Choir