Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Cup Bearer and the Rock

After the wonderful fantasy of defeating the Ogress, we find the Cup Bearer back in her familiar meager position. She assumed her position at the gate of the Burger Kingdom. Looming near was a disaster; the Magical Liquid that quenches the thirst of the Knights and Ladies of the Court had suddenly disappeared.

Oh no!

The Queen told the Cup Bearer to find more of the Magical Liquid. The Cup Bearer searched the Kingdom far and wide for the precious liquid. After hours of searching the Cup Bearer tripped over a large rock. Disgruntled, the Cup Bearer was ready to turn around and get back to the court. Then she took another look at the rock, it brown and square like, how odd the Cup Bearer thought. She took a chunk out of the rock and it was true, the Magical Liquid could be found in that very rock. After much physical effort the Cup Bearer had finally moved the large rock back to the Burger Kingdom.

The Cup Bearer thought the hard part of her job was over, she though wrong.

For many hours the Cup Bearer fought with the rock, using every tool she could find, alas nothing would crack the rock. Leaning against a court wall the Cup Bearer happen to glance toward a sword a Knight had given her for defeating the Ogress. With all her might she lifted the sword and heaved it in to the rock. The rock split down the middle and there sat the Magical liquid. It was surprisingly gelled together and it took all of the Cup Bearer's strength to lift the Magical Liquid on to the pedestal where it would sit. It took a few tries; eventually the Cup Bearer put the Magical Liquid in its place.

It was time to destroy the rock from which the Magical Liquid came. Many cuts and bruises later, the rock shattered in to a million little pieces at the Cup Bearer's feet. It was a victory for the Cup Bearer, even if it was a solitary victory.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

J. Pair V. The Ogress

We find J. Pair, the Cup Bearer, at the magical burger kingdom. The Cup Bearer is fiercely mastering the dragon which provides currency to the knights and ladies of the court. After taking the commands of the knights and ladies, the Cup Bearer requested an audience with the King and Queen. Their majesties then approved the commands and J. Pair brought back feasts for the court to nourish upon. All was well in the kingdom.

Suddenly a black cloud appeared. In walked the Ogress, a feared creature in the kingdom. She demanded a feast be placed before her immediately. The Cup Bearer ran to their majesties and repeated the words the Ogress had spoken. Against his will the King obliged. the Cup Bearer returned and told the dragon the Ogress’ commands.

The dragon would not hear of such atrocities and forbade the demands to take place.

What was the Cup Bearer to do?

She pleaded with the dragon in vain. The Ogress began to stomp and shout. Beads of sweat started to pearl on the Cup Bearer's brow as she continued to plead with the dragon. The Ogress thrashed around the kingdom barely missing the people of the court.

The Ogress stared teh Cup Bearer in the eyes, the Cup Bearer didn’t flinch. Finally the Ogress gnashed and fled the kingdom in disgust; setting out once more in a search of a feast.

Alternate Ending (The way J. Pair would like it to end)

The Cup Bearer stared down the Ogress without a flinch. The Ogress gnashed, baring her enormous teeth. The fearless cup bearer ran to a knight and in one swift movement took the large sword from his belt and jumped to the belly of the Ogress, holding the sword to her throat. She told the Ogress to cease her torment and never return to the Burger Kingdom or there would be irreversible consequences.

The Ogress quivered, fell to the ground sobbing and crawled out of the kingdom in fright. The knights lifted teh Cup Bearer on their shoulders in appreciation. The King absolved the Cup Bearer of her status and made her a Lady of the Court. The Ogress was never seen again.

Early Riser

I have become an early riser, usually waking between 6 and 6:30am. Why you ask. It was not a choice made by me, rather dictated by Mr. Duncan. You see when Mr. Sir (Duncan) goes to bed at night and when he tells me he needs to potty…midnight, 4am, and so on, he whines. When he goes back in to his crate after the potty break he cries a little and I tell him "quiet" and within a couple minutes he is indeed quiet.

This is in contrast to 6am or after when Mr. Sir starts whining once again. Repeatedly I tell him "quiet" in vain. Alas my night has come to an end. I would absolutely love it if Duncan could sleep until 8am or even 7:30am. Yes, that would be divine. In the meantime I'm considering switching my schedule around a bit incase Mr. Sir can't sleep later.

I'm considering getting a gym membership (suggestions accepted!) and though I like working out in the evening, at the rate I'm going, I'll be a vegetable by the time I would like to be working out. This means exercising in the morning, not my favorite idea, but it could work. This also means taking Bella on her walk in the morning – note, the sun setting later will also help in an evening walk. With having permanent hours at the B & G Club in the afternoon I now need to get my chores done, you guessed it, in the morning, ugh. Though I've always been able to easily get up at any morning hour this doesn't mean I can function. I will need to get used to this new schedule. Once again this could all be resolved if I could just get up at 8am instead of 6:30am.

Update: I wrote this blog entry a couple days ago and didn't get a chance to post. Since this original entry, I have successfully woken up at 7:30am! In fact, this morning, Mr. Sir needed to potty at 5:45am and seemed content to stay awake. I however, was not. I kindly, yet firmly told Duncan "quiet" and though it took a few extra verbal reminders on my part, he settled in and drifted off to sleep and let me sleep as well.