Monday, June 1, 2009

Tired of Sweatpants and Wanting Chocolate

As some of you may know I had my gallbladder removed on Friday. I shall spare you the details and the pictures (there aren't any pictures), but rest assured everything is healing well and I'm feeling quite chipper!
Needless to say, jeans really aren't a comfortable article of clothing to wear right now so sweatpants and pajama bottoms have become a mandatory part of my daily wardrobe and frankly, I'm getting tired of them, I will be exceedingly happy when my jeans are comfortable again.

On top of being forced to live in sweatpants a friend, who shall remain nameless to protect his identity, said he would bring over brownies - I have yet to see those brownies, alas. Gorgeous weather outside (75+ degrees) and I'm stuck inside in sweatpants without brownies. Thanks to my BFF, Erika and her blog, my spirits have been lifted by her comedic adventures - check out her blog!

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