We now find our fearless Heroine in a grand sanctuary in a beautiful house. It was 8am on a Sunday, early for mere mortals, but not our Heroine. She climbed the mountain to take her place next to the overwhelming instrument. She was expecting to be blown away by the bellows, but to her surprise that was not the case. Though any other day the Heroine's voice could have filled the grand sanctuary, she was battling wheezes and sneezes which drew her voice inward. Not to fear, a microphone saved the day!
As the service commenced the time to sing drew near; our heroine felt her nerves begin to rise. With weak knees, she climbed the mountain once again. She was taken aback by the amount of people in the sanctuary, much more than she had seen at the bottom of the mountain. The large instrument began to make beautiful noise and she knew she couldn't back out. Our Heroine let her voice ring. When the music ended a calm, excitement came over her. Yes, she knows that would be an oxymoron.
Despite the "wheezes, sneezes, and a sinus that was really a pip!" Our fearless Heroine made it through sparkling and climbed back down the mountain to her seat among her people.