Major changes have been happening in the Pair household, not including the Christmas decorations.
After much deliberation, okay not that much, I've decided not to pursue a career in opera. You see, I'd been thinking about my career off and on for a while and then I graduated. I had that feeling of "What do I do now?" and the feeling didn't go away. Of course I knew what to do, practice, audition, find a grad school, but the more I thought about it the less those things appealed to me. Fortunately I had a voice teacher who didn't mess around and flat out asked me if this is really what I wanted to be doing. Jackpot since I'm a chicken and wouldn't have admitted wanting to change careers. Seriously I'd been singing a good 15 years; I wasn't just going to back out.
It only took a few days after the conversation with my voice teacher for me to make the decision. Suddenly I was free, I had all these options open to me. I love to write so I could get a degree in English and a Masters in Creative Writing, I love to design interior spaces so I could go to interior design school, I could become a PE teacher and make all the little kids run the way we had to run…revenge could be mine! Nope, don't like that idea.
After a few days I started to wonder if I had made the right decision, but truth is I was never big on practicing (I did it because I had to) and don't tell anyone, but I'm not such a fan of classical music – this might be a problem as an opera singer.
So where does this leave J.Pair? Well I'm leaning toward interior design because I constantly wonder how I would change a room. Case in point, I was waiting in the doctor's office yesterday and the coffee table wasn't centered and a leg was turned. I promptly center the table and fixed the leg. However; I do love to write, so it's a tossup. I've already spoken to some family and mentioned the interior design idea as my new path, but I may have been premature about that. Now I just need to look in to interior design and writing programs and see which one speaks to me more.
As for the current job front, I'm working for my former employer – filling in when she needs it. I had an interview for a receptionist position and am eagerly waiting to hear back from them, I pray I get that job.