Thursday, December 17, 2009

J.Pair Vs. Jell-o…Jell-o 1 Point

Once again I have failed at the simple task of making Jell-o.

I should disclaimer this by saying I'm not a bad cook. I can make excellent eggs – in various serving suggestions. I am a whiz at sandwiches, mainly because they are my favorite thing to make; so many different food groups in one tidy package. I'm getting better at making dinners. I've mastered spaghetti (or any pasta for that matter). Boil the water, at the pasta, and then add the sauce. When I am out on my own I won't starve.

It disturbs me though that I can't make something as simple as Jell-o. I should clarify; I can't make "Quick Set" Jell-o. I have now tried three times to make the "Quick Set" Jell-o and I can't do it. I've followed the directions to a T and it doesn't work. I can safely say it's not human error. As much as I would like to make "Quick Set" Jell-o I think I will hang up my apron on this and stick with the 4 hour Jell-o which does get jiggly. If anyone has any suggestions for making "Quick Set" Jell-o let me know, though it's a moo – point now.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

J.Pair and the Career Change

Major changes have been happening in the Pair household, not including the Christmas decorations.

After much deliberation, okay not that much, I've decided not to pursue a career in opera. You see, I'd been thinking about my career off and on for a while and then I graduated. I had that feeling of "What do I do now?" and the feeling didn't go away. Of course I knew what to do, practice, audition, find a grad school, but the more I thought about it the less those things appealed to me. Fortunately I had a voice teacher who didn't mess around and flat out asked me if this is really what I wanted to be doing. Jackpot since I'm a chicken and wouldn't have admitted wanting to change careers. Seriously I'd been singing a good 15 years; I wasn't just going to back out.

It only took a few days after the conversation with my voice teacher for me to make the decision. Suddenly I was free, I had all these options open to me. I love to write so I could get a degree in English and a Masters in Creative Writing, I love to design interior spaces so I could go to interior design school, I could become a PE teacher and make all the little kids run the way we had to run…revenge could be mine! Nope, don't like that idea.

After a few days I started to wonder if I had made the right decision, but truth is I was never big on practicing (I did it because I had to) and don't tell anyone, but I'm not such a fan of classical music – this might be a problem as an opera singer.

So where does this leave J.Pair? Well I'm leaning toward interior design because I constantly wonder how I would change a room. Case in point, I was waiting in the doctor's office yesterday and the coffee table wasn't centered and a leg was turned. I promptly center the table and fixed the leg. However; I do love to write, so it's a tossup. I've already spoken to some family and mentioned the interior design idea as my new path, but I may have been premature about that. Now I just need to look in to interior design and writing programs and see which one speaks to me more.

As for the current job front, I'm working for my former employer – filling in when she needs it. I had an interview for a receptionist position and am eagerly waiting to hear back from them, I pray I get that job.

Blogging in Word???

Success, I wrote my blog in Word and it post on blogger!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

J. Pair and the Puppy School

We are now going in to week five of puppy school. Unfortunately Bella had to miss school last weekend because J.Pair was sick. The first couple of weeks of school were great, we learned simple things like sitting. Now I'm starting to wonder if it's really working though. You see, everytime Bella does what she's suppose to do, but whenever treats aren't present, she doesn't do anything. Hmm. I'm kind of at a loss, maybe I just need to work with her a lot more, but that's A LOT of treats. I'm thinking I'll start working harder with her without the treats because I don't want her thinking she gets a treat for everything down the road when she should just do what I say.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Well this post probably won't be as entertaining as previous posts, but I feel a wee need to vent.

Part I

I believe I'm finding out who I really want in my life. You see earlier this year I planned a trip to California to hangout with friends and see a much anticipated film. After a few months of deciding on a weekend to meet, the large group lost some people; understandable, its hard to get a lot of people together.

I was told only the day before my plan was to take place that a new plan had been created. I find out everyone has seen the much anticipated film we all had planned to see together and no one wants to see it again (I still haven't seen said film) -my original plan was completely scraped without my knowledge.

I went with the new plan and met them in California. Once in California I was told all of us were driving (seperately) back to Oregon. I was a little miffed because it takes a long time to get to California and a lot of gas, why couldn't the collective group of friends just have met in Oregon to begin with? I'm a logical person and driving to Oregon by way of California isn't all. Despite the major waste of gas I forgave my friends, why? Because I love them.

Part II - A Few Months Later

Well, I still hadn't seen all of my friends and it just so happened I had an important meeting in California and I thought "great, I can have the meeting and see all of my friends" - wishful thinking. I found out a few of my friends didn't get off work until 6pm which is precisely the same time my other friends were leaving for Arizona to partake in less than moral fun. I tell them I won't be joining them in Arizona and what do I hear? -"We figured you'd say that."

I hung out with my friends after they got off work and we had a fantastic time watching movies and having good clean fun.

Point is I feel like with certain people my plan isn't good enough. I understand other people have their own plans, but I feel like I went out of my way to see my friends and some of them couldn't care less. They couldn't wait an hour to go to Arizona and spend some time with me? I've made various attempts to plan a trip to California, but they have yet to ask when would be a good time to visit WA.

I'll be completely honest, if I had a full time job I probably wouldn't care so much, but I make barely anything in a month, they have full time jobs (or close to it) and can afford to drive all over God's Green Earth, I can't. The writing's on the wall, I know who my true friends are.

Friday, September 18, 2009

J.Pair and the Seattle Opera

The Adventures of J.Pair continues with J.Pair and the Seattle Opera
Tonight we join our singer as she tries to find the Seattle Opera Rehearsal Studios (SORS).
I was invited to recieve a coaching with a fellow who works with the Seattle Opera. I once again arranged to babysit the twins (see Episode I) while my voice teacher received a coaching then I would recieve a coaching.
It took longer than expected to find the SORS, but it was accomplished. The twins and I went for a walk in downtown Seattle and found a nice, quiet park to eat lunch and read in. A little while later it was time to head back to the studio and hand off the babies.
I climbed the stairs and entered a cavernous room filled with props, sets, and workers, I was in awe...sorry no opera stars this time. I was lead to the Chorus rehearsal and the coach and I got to work.
You may ask why have a vocal coach when you already have a voice teacher. Well to put it simply a vocal coach puts the final touches on a voice and performance. I'm not getting ready for a performance, yet, however I am getting ready for the impending doom which is grad school auditions, yikes!
It was a short visit with the coach, but it was worth it.
Tune in for the next episode of The Adventures of J.Pair - J.Pair and the Puppy School

Episode 2 - J.Pair and the Choir

The Adventures of J.Pair - J.Pair and the Choir

With my love of church ever blooming I decided, why not cultivate my love of church and join the choir?

It was a beautiful match, the choir needed Soprano support and I needed more human interaction. Choir commenced with with a potluck - I took cupcakes. I also discussed with a dear friend the liklihood the potluck would have a pasta dish, salad, and Jell-o. Well, the pasta was present in two different lasagnas and the salad was present, but sadly no Jell-o, next time I'll take the Jell-o.

After wonderful conversation with new and old faces it was time to get robed. I was given a plain gray robe and a folder for my music and it was singing time. We rehearsed for two hours sight-reading through our music. Most of it was fairly easy though there's one piece I'm slightly concerned about. Overall I had an excellent time.

After singing in COW church choir seems like a walk in the park :)

Tune in next time for another episode of The Adventures of J.Pair

The Adventures of J.Pair

Vol. I- Ferry Boats

I have a Ferry Godmother in the form of my voice teacher :)

With a lack of employment right now I was seriously beginning to wonder how I would get back to voice lessons because my voice needs a lot of work (I'm still young). The problem was remedied when my voice teacher asked if I've ever babysat...have I ever babysat? lol. Anywho, she suggested bartering, I babysit for her she gives me voice lessons, hooray!

I just needed to get my voice over to Vashon Island, say what????

For my first lesson we planned to have me walk on the ferry and then she or her husband would pick me up on Vashon. I felt so adult purchasing my ticket and walking on to a ferry all by myself. Of course ferries are no stranger to me (think Guemes Is.) but the Vashon ferry is much bigger than the Anacortes ferry.

As I strolled of the ferry I felt accomplished and a little sea sick, but never you mind. Little did I know the ferry ride would be the easy part of my day...

...Upon arriving at my teacher's home I met the two most gorgeous twins, yep I said twins. For a few hours every Sunday afternoon I now chase, crawl, read to, and tickle year and a half old twins. It's brilliant. A few weeks in I'm still waiting for the ultimate meltdown with one or both of the toddlers and am praying they don't meltdown at the same time, but they are twins.

Tune in next time for The Adventures of J.Pair - J.Pair and the Choir

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer Update

Hello All,

I realized I hadn't updated in a while so I thought I would take the time to do so. The summer has been pretty good so far - busy teaching Bella to be a good dog. That's taking up most of my time thankfully since I haven't found employment yet Bella has been good for warding off bordem.

Today is suppose to be another hot one so I'm considering taking Bella outside letting her lounge in the sun and washing the old car. Ploo (my car) recently had a wonderful trip to eastern Washington, Pullman specifically, and is now covered in bugs - yuk!

Blessed news on the homefront, Madre has been hired in one part-time position and one temporary position at EdCC and had a interview this morning at our church for a communications coordinator position. I really hope she gets it since one of her current positions is temporary.

For those of you who don't believe Seattle could ever hit 100 degrees I'm including proof below :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I Gall Darn Gone an' Done It

In a rather hasty decisions I decided to get my hair cut. To be completely honest I felt like I was in a bit of a rut and needed a change. I called to make an appointment yesterday morning (Tuesday) thinking I wouldn't get in until the Wednesday or Thursday, but surprise, surprise, they had an appointment available for 2:30pm.

Once I checked in I began to get a little anxious as there was a mother and daughter complaining about how the daughter's hair looked nothing like what she had asked for - oh no! Had I made a rash decision?
I gave a vague description of how I pictured my hair and left the rest to my stylist; I think she did a fantastic job! This is what the doctor ordered. Anyway, for those of you I don't get to see very often and/or are in different states I would like to share with you my new do.

Here it is!

Friday, June 19, 2009


Not too much to update here in the Northwest, but I do have a few items of business.

1. The Seattle area did not break the record for most dry days, but we did tie it at 29 days. Komo said we were shy of breaking the record by a mere 11 minutes, 11 minutes! At least the dry weather wasn't all in vain, it was lovely having 29 days of sun. If you're wondering, it is currently wet outside.

2. Only 13 days until Bella comes home and mom and I are busy preparing for her homecoming. We only have a few more things to get and we will be set.

3. Finally, to make my blog even more complicated to my faithful readers, Bella now has her own blog - yes she even writes the entries. It recently had a ton of information added to it and hopes to be continually updated!For any Bella updates please visit

Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More Bella!

Once again I have pictures of my Bella Piccola Stella to share with you all. I just recieved these latest pictures from the breeder who is gracious enough to send me picture updates only week after I last visited my little girl. She is growning by leaps and bounds now and I can't believe her progress. Oh they grow up so fast these days. Anyway, here's the latest.

"I'm being a wee biy coy."
"Look at my tail and spots!"
"Hi Mom!"
"I'm being a little emo in my food bowl right now."

Monday, June 1, 2009

Tired of Sweatpants and Wanting Chocolate

As some of you may know I had my gallbladder removed on Friday. I shall spare you the details and the pictures (there aren't any pictures), but rest assured everything is healing well and I'm feeling quite chipper!
Needless to say, jeans really aren't a comfortable article of clothing to wear right now so sweatpants and pajama bottoms have become a mandatory part of my daily wardrobe and frankly, I'm getting tired of them, I will be exceedingly happy when my jeans are comfortable again.

On top of being forced to live in sweatpants a friend, who shall remain nameless to protect his identity, said he would bring over brownies - I have yet to see those brownies, alas. Gorgeous weather outside (75+ degrees) and I'm stuck inside in sweatpants without brownies. Thanks to my BFF, Erika and her blog, my spirits have been lifted by her comedic adventures - check out her blog!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

PLU Commencement

PLU Commencement Weekend 2009

I recently attended four events honoring PLU Graduates. The first was the Gonyea Reception held at the Gonyea House (where the PLU President lives). It was a marvelous reception. The Gonyea House has a beautiful setting among trees and a large pond in the back which is where the reception was located. It featured a small jazz group and appitizers of fruit, veggies, cookies and sparkling pink lemonade (the lemonade was my favorite). It felt very high class (sort of) and every shook hands with President Anderson and his wife. My mom, sister, and I attended, but couldn't stay long because Dr. Nance called a rehearsal for COW at 5pm - the reception was scheduled from 4-6pm. Alas, the three of us were only there about 30minutes, but it was a lovely thirty minutes.

The second thing I attended was the Commencement Celebration Concert at 8pm that same evening and COW sang three songs, two Lutheran traditions and one very different piece. I can't say much about the concert because I was backstage for all but the part I sang in the choir for. It too was lovely because I got to see my grandparents who had flown in the night before from a cruise (lucky ducks). It's always nice seeing them.

The next morning, Mom, Gina, and I toddled off to Commencement Worship and listened to a great sermon by Pastor Dennis and following the service we went up in to the Organ Loft so mom and Gina could find out what it's like up there. I've been in the organ loft 3 times already and it still enthralls me.

Finally, it was commencement. It was actually a fairly quick ceremony I thought. The message the speaker spoke was to keep an open mind because what we learned in books may not always be what happens in life and that we will gain experience from life we can't get from books - this is an excellent point. It's so funny, I sat in my chair for two hours anticipating walking across the stage and receiving my degree from the President and in about 1 minute it was over. Didn't even feel like it happened almost.

That was Commencement Weekend. I still don't feel like a graduate, I don't know when it will sink in that I'm done with school for now, probably when I don't have to haul my stuff back down to PLU in September is when it will hit me, but right now I'm feeling very peaceful.

Bella Piccola Stella

What's more exciting then the PLU Lips Vs. Throats softball Game and even more exciting then my own Graduation from PLU??? The Answer - A Trip to see my puppy!
I'm kidding, all events are exciting in their own rights. Yes, today mom and I ventured out to the great beyond to meet my little girl and I didn't want to put her down. I'm pretty sure she gave me kisses for about five minutes straight, so I think that's a good thing? Mom took some pictures and I shall post them below. ONLY 37 days until Bella Piccola Stella comes home!

A post about Commencement Weekend is forthcoming :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

My Baby

It's official, today I'm a parent.

Today my little girl came in to the world and she is a cute one.

Only 2 months and then I can bring her home! Wait.

Yes, my little girl has a cute little nose and black spots. Wait...what?!?

Here she is...Bella

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Am I Doing the Right Thing?

I'm feeling a little down right now...not like super down, but wondering about things. It seems there are certain people who get everything they want (at least it seems that way at least). Thanks to the wonderful world of social networking I found out one of my peer's was offered a contract for a young artist program at a local opera company and an offer to be in various productions they have. This is the same young artist program I found out was having auditions the day of auditions. While I'm super happy for him, the first that came to my mind was
"That should be me!"
This isn't the first time I've thought that either. Sometimes I wonder if I really am doing the right thing. I love to sing, its unlike any other feeling, but I feel behind in my knowledge and performance and there are always two or three people better than me. It feels like I always miss the mark in my singing somehow, it's never a complete package. I just wish sometimes I knew what God has in-store for me.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Here's the story... Remember when you were a kid and whenever your parents asked what you wanted for your birthday you'd say "I want (insert animal here)", well last year when my dad asked me what I wanted for my birthday I harkened back to that mentality and said "I want a puppy" he asked what kind of puppy and I told him a dachshund (wiener dog). I was half-serious, half-kidding about wanting a dachshund for my birthday. I've wanted one for a while now, but I figured I would get one at least a few years down the road.

My birthday finally arrives and behold my astonishment when I open gifts from my dad and family which are all doggy toys and a dachshund calendar. Immediately I knew this meant my dad was actually going to get me a dog, yay! I started looking online and in newspapers, but my heart was settled on getting it as a puppy and after reading up about the breed I decided on a dapple-piebald. I started E-mailing breeders like crazy, but no one was expecting either coloring. Finally, I found a breeder's website and all the dogs looked happy and healthy. I e-mailed her and she said she would keep me up to date on planned breedings that could produce what I want.
Nearly a year later...
Over spring break my dad and I went to meet the breeder and her puppies and they were all adorable, I wanted to take them all home. After that visit it was settled. As cute as a dapple-pie would be, I decided I didn't care what the puppy looked like as long as it is healthy (I sound like such a parent).

With great anticipation I am waiting. Because I have been in contact with the breeder for so long she is giving me first pick of the litter! My puppy will arrive in to the world in 11 days and I am super excited!!! I have the option of picking my baby by picture or in-person and I think I'll pick her in-person (schedule permitting of course). Finally, my new baby should arrive to her new home around July 2nd...that was all planned of course.

The pictures above are the parents of my baby. The chocolate dog is the father - Billy and the red and white doggy is the mother - Dory.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Comes Next?

That is the question I keep asking myself.

With graduation around the corner and my impending doom into adulthood I wonder what will come next. While I intend on having a job while on sabbatical; I am apprehensive of where it will be, what I will do and any other question one can think of. The ultimate would be to have a job at the opera house ushering, taking tickets - anything to get me closer. I know that doesn't sound like much, but in this economy I have to scale back a little. They say ignorance is bliss, sometimes they're right (whom ever "they" are). I recently found out that Tacoma Opera has a Young Artist Program which will be having a early next year and the best part is the program is open to current and recent college grads. Sounds perfect right? What could be better? Permitting I ace the audition, I get in to the program during my year off, gain experience, and get a great addition to my resume. It was too perfect, it turns out the day I heard about the program was the same day they were auditioning for the program and they were already overbooked.
Blast, well there goes that idea. Now, I'm going to audition for Tacoma Opera in the fall (or whenever they have chorus auditions) and eventually make my way to Seattle Opera and pray they like my voice. As of now, I'm going to find a job wherever I can find one and search our auditions.

Thanks for reading, in the meantime check out my photograph, I took this up on my island - it makes me happy.

My Bad

Amid the glorious sun I sat and sat and sat. It was wonderful, to feel the warmth on my legs and arms which haven't seen the light of day since last September. I took the time to work on homework outside while feeding my skin Vitamin D. It made me feel better being in the sun, not hiding away from the ugly weather that plagues our area most days. Ah yes, it was relaxing. As I was basking in those wonderful rays did I think to protect my skin? I heard my mother's voice repeating the ill-fated words,

"Don't Forget to put your sunscreen on"

After two and a half hours of sunshiney bliss I realized I was turning pink, as always, but thankfully I didn't burn as I thought I would :) I'm still a little pink and I can feel heat semi-radiating from my arms and legs, but it doesn't hurt.

I won't forget the sunscreen next time.