Thursday, October 15, 2009

J. Pair and the Puppy School

We are now going in to week five of puppy school. Unfortunately Bella had to miss school last weekend because J.Pair was sick. The first couple of weeks of school were great, we learned simple things like sitting. Now I'm starting to wonder if it's really working though. You see, everytime Bella does what she's suppose to do, but whenever treats aren't present, she doesn't do anything. Hmm. I'm kind of at a loss, maybe I just need to work with her a lot more, but that's A LOT of treats. I'm thinking I'll start working harder with her without the treats because I don't want her thinking she gets a treat for everything down the road when she should just do what I say.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Well this post probably won't be as entertaining as previous posts, but I feel a wee need to vent.

Part I

I believe I'm finding out who I really want in my life. You see earlier this year I planned a trip to California to hangout with friends and see a much anticipated film. After a few months of deciding on a weekend to meet, the large group lost some people; understandable, its hard to get a lot of people together.

I was told only the day before my plan was to take place that a new plan had been created. I find out everyone has seen the much anticipated film we all had planned to see together and no one wants to see it again (I still haven't seen said film) -my original plan was completely scraped without my knowledge.

I went with the new plan and met them in California. Once in California I was told all of us were driving (seperately) back to Oregon. I was a little miffed because it takes a long time to get to California and a lot of gas, why couldn't the collective group of friends just have met in Oregon to begin with? I'm a logical person and driving to Oregon by way of California isn't all. Despite the major waste of gas I forgave my friends, why? Because I love them.

Part II - A Few Months Later

Well, I still hadn't seen all of my friends and it just so happened I had an important meeting in California and I thought "great, I can have the meeting and see all of my friends" - wishful thinking. I found out a few of my friends didn't get off work until 6pm which is precisely the same time my other friends were leaving for Arizona to partake in less than moral fun. I tell them I won't be joining them in Arizona and what do I hear? -"We figured you'd say that."

I hung out with my friends after they got off work and we had a fantastic time watching movies and having good clean fun.

Point is I feel like with certain people my plan isn't good enough. I understand other people have their own plans, but I feel like I went out of my way to see my friends and some of them couldn't care less. They couldn't wait an hour to go to Arizona and spend some time with me? I've made various attempts to plan a trip to California, but they have yet to ask when would be a good time to visit WA.

I'll be completely honest, if I had a full time job I probably wouldn't care so much, but I make barely anything in a month, they have full time jobs (or close to it) and can afford to drive all over God's Green Earth, I can't. The writing's on the wall, I know who my true friends are.